Business Administration


As a student graduated from the Academic Master in Business Administration of the World University Ecumenical, you promote your professional career, get better positions and better salaries. In this way, you differ in the labor market, expand opportunities and improve problem solving skills.

The Master gives you solid theoretical grounding in research methods and techniques applicable to both academic and professional life (corporate strategies, governance, innovation, international business, entrepreneurship, strategies for sustainability, marketing, consumer behavior, sustainable operations). In addition, it enables him to teach in higher education and the Doctorate, besides representing an update of teaching in undergraduate programs, specialization (lato sensu), and professional master’s degree (stricto sensu), enables you to give lectures and give consulting services. companies and other organizations. In addition, the Master facilitates its approval in doctoral courses in Brazil and abroad.


This course is for anyone who wants …

Have a solid theoretical basis in research methods and techniques, applicable to academic and professional life, studies related to strategy and sustainability, including corporate strategies, governance, innovation, international business, entrepreneurship, strategies of sustainability, marketing and sustainable behavior and operations, among others.


With the objective of…

Qualify for teaching in higher education and the Doctorate, in addition to improving teaching in undergraduate, specialization (lato sensu) and professional master’s programs (stricto sensu), and also qualify to give high-level conferences and advice to companies and others organizations

The Master in Business Administration aims to prepare high-level human resources through integrated interdisciplinary teaching and research activities for professional and academic practice in the general administration area, focusing on the important and current issue of sustainability in the organizations.

The target audience are graduates in business administration or similar areas in higher education institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC).